In order to give you a small idea of what you can expect from Larva, take a closer look at Larva’s implementation methodologies and project phases roadmap.
Implementation Methodologies
This sector is a fundamental principle of most of Larva’s services because the Management and Operational Organization (PD-PI-PM) includes the strategic evaluation, analysis, and organization of each project to be received.
Business Intelligence (B.I) sector is another crucial axis of Larva’s services. This service focuses on absolute control, entire corporate organization, development, the creation of strategic frameworks, and hotel units’ decision-making.
The Artificial Intelligence (A.I) sector in the tourism and hospitality industry is one of our most brilliant and innovative services. This service functions either as an extension and development of an existing project, as well as a new proposal in the field of automation of organizational processes, control, and service.
This is the first step of our common journey to success. During this phase, we will hear your business’ goals and aspirations and based on our data-driven innovative tools and thorough audit, Larva’s team of experts, we will identify your current needs and place in the market. Furthermore, Larva will structure the current risks and create a clear and effective strategy path by prioritizing the reformation actions that your business has to follow in order to achieve your desired immediate and future goals.
This phase is one of the most crucial points in our journey since we will identify and set up the core principles of the upcoming project. For us at Larva, transparency, and punctuality are key components of our culture, thus, we will conduct a detailed presentation of our proposed solutions for your project which will be based on our thorough research and experience in the market. Moreover, we will guide you through our project’s roadmap, time frames, and action plans. Larva’s team of experts which will be accountable for your project will also be presented during this phase.
By effectively covering every aspect of our rationale, we gain mutual clarity regarding the project’s lifecycle, the expected provision of Larva’s services, and the desired deliverables. Once there is complete alignment regarding the objectives, strategy, and goals of the project, we will then be able to officially proceed with the implementation of the necessary actions.
The implementation phase is where all the magic happens. Larva’s experts will start setting an era of progressive metamorphosis on your business based on the agreed strategic plan and targets which have been set in total accordance with your vision as set in the project. The reformation will aim on having a fundamental impact on the evolvement of your hotel or hospitality business.
The mid-term implementation review phase takes place in order to assess the progress towards the project’s objectives and outcomes. The agreed solutions are being thoroughly reviewed and live tested in order to ensure the feasibility and accuracy of the so far implemented actions.
This is the last phase of Larva’s project roadmap basis. Some of the actions performed during this phase are the presentation of the deliverables, the solution’s deployment, and the provision of seminars, training, and guidebooks. The aforementioned actions are always depending on the necessities of your project, in order to ensure full functionality and clarity regarding Larva’s top-notch solutions that we initially discussed, planned, implemented, and developed solely for the needs of your project.